Published: 14 February 2022
Replacing a core banking system remains a risky and complex task. Bank CIOs looking for multiregion platforms can use the critical capabilities to determine which global retail core banking vendors are the best match for their banks, while customizing the weighting to create their own selection.
Included in Full Research
Strategic Planning Assumption
- EdgeVerve Systems
- Mambu
- Oracle
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Temenos
- Composable Architecture
- Internationality
- Interoperability
- Functional Granularity
- Small-Bank Segment
- Midsize-Bank Segment
- Large-Bank Segment
- Small Bank/Simple Deployment
- Small Bank/Complex Deployment
- Midsize Bank/Simple Deployment
- Midsize Bank/Complex Deployment
- Large Bank/Complex Deployment
- Worldwide Multinational Deployment
- Challenger Bank Deployment
Gartner Recommended Reading
Critical Capabilities Methodology