Hybrid Workforce

Rethink work to better support on-site, contingent and remote workers.

Hybrid workforce insights

Remote work, once a consideration for many organizations but rarely a priority, has become a health and safety imperative. Even as organizations plan their recovery strategies, however, remote work will remain a cornerstone of the postpandemic future of work. This leaves HR leaders with a series of critical decisions to make around which parts of the workforce can work remotely, which should stay remote even after recovery, and how their organizations should navigate follow-on changes, such as facilitating collaboration and building relationships.

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Uncover the three-part decision framework to help guide HR as organizations adapt to remote work.

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    Rethink how and where work gets done

    Organizations need a new framework, not to answer “How soon can our employees be back in the office?” but to answer, “What touchpoints in our organization require in-person interaction?” This includes a switch from assessing the suitability of roles to be performed remotely to assessing suitability of workflows to be completed remotely. Then, HR leaders must understand the supporting processes and technology needed to enable employees to flow seamlessly between on-site and remote working modes.

    Hybrid workforce insights you can use

    Gartner research on hybrid workforce models, remote work, the gig economy and contingent works can help you decide how to best structure your organization for maximum output.

    Remote Work Trends, Expectations and Concerns

    This research takes a look at the implications of remote work and breaks down the “Three E’s of a Hybrid Workforce,” a model that ensures the workforce can flow through various worksites, ranging from remote solo locations to remote microsites of small populations to traditional concentrated facilities.

    The Critical Role of Workforce Health in Resilience

    18 months after the initial impacts of the pandemic, what have HR leaders learned about their workforces' resilience? They found that their workforce is a lot more resilient than first thought. Get ahead of workforce health and support every employee across the organization. 

    3 Ways Managers Can Build Resilient Teams

    Managers play a critical role in building and supporting resilient teams. Uncover the key acitons that they can take in order to build resilient teams during disruption. 

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